Friendships without borders

Photo credits: Daphne Pèrez.

Mundus Journalism brings together a highly multicultural group of students and journalists from all around the world. This implies an almost constant exchange of perspectives and experiences, both inside and outside the classroom. There are usually up to 40 different nationalities within each Mundus Journalism programme, with countries from nearly all continents. This access to a variety of cultures, experiences and personalities is part of what makes being a Mundusian a truly unique, once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Student projects on and off campus

The rich diversity of perspectives and knowledge that each student brings to the programme makes for a lively atmosphere both on and off campus. Mundus Journalism students tend to be very self-motivated and get involved with a huge variety of projects both inside and outside of the universities.

  • During the first year, students put together a yearbook that contains stories about each student as well as fun facts about the whole cohort and their life in Aarhus – we call it Bluebook! Being it a proper editorial project, it is no secret that every cohort works hard to make their Bluebook even more spectacular than the previous editions!
  • Our 2020-students launched "#MundusLife", a new video series you can find on our YouTube channel. In every episode, get to know Giovana from Brazil and Sandra from the Philippines as they share their experience and advice about student housing, dealing with homesickness while studying abroad and transitioning to specialisation universities. 

Browse through our Stories section to find more students projects

In addition, as journalists, many of our students write, photograph, record and tweet their way through the programme. Some of them also freelance for media outlets in their home countries or get involved in projects in their new cities. Always looking out for opportunities, many students also attend academic and industry-focused conferences, join mentorship programmes and manage to have their writing and research published in leading news outlets.

Follow us on Instagram, FacebookTwitter and LinkedIn to get a glimpse of the work of the Mundus community!

Quote icon

Quote from our recent alumni survey
The presence of different nationalities in one classroom is an advantage for all academic fields. For quality journalism, it's crucial. I learnt to think outside my "filter", and most of all, listen to other people's perspectives. As much as I traveled, my surroundings have never been as international and diverse as during my "Mundus time". I still miss it and try to apply the Mundus spirit everywhere I can.


Check out "#MundusLife", our new video series talking about practical tips and tricks to make the most of your Mundus adventure!

The videos are recorded and edited by our Mundus Journalism students Giovana Faria (Brazil) and Sandra Zialcita (The Philippines).

2-days workshop "Freelancing as a Journalist" - FADA Collective

Since 2021, we have organised a 2-days workshop conducted by the journalists of FADA,

FADA is a collective of Italian freelance journalists covering human rights, environment, migration and minorities in countries such as Iraq, Bosnia, Nigeria and Gaza.

Toics covered: How do you organise a reportage on the field/abroad? Who do you get in contact with? Which permits and authorisations do you need? How do you write a pitch? How do you turn fragments of interviews into a story? Through theoretical and practical lessons, the workshop focus on: • reportage • photo and video journalism • web-documentary & storytelling • pre-production • final sale • how to combine words and visual