Selection criteria

The Consortium aims to admit highly qualified students from the widest possible range of countries and backgrounds.

Each year we receive around 400 to 500 applications and admit around 80-90 students. For the 2024-2026 program, we anticipate that all prospective candidates will qualify for an Erasmus+ stipend of up to €6,000, offering invaluable financial support for your educational journey. Moreover, the Mundus Journalism Consortium extends its support to four exceptional applicants with a special scholarship worth €10,000, further enhancing the opportunities available. What's more, students who receive the Mundus Journalism Consortium scholarship can still apply for and receive an additional Erasmus+ stipend.

The admission process for students is based upon a variety of factors to ensure that the selection is as objective and fair as possible. During the selection process, all applications are read and evaluated by a team of academics from the specialisation university selected by the applicant as first-priority.

To ensure that the best candidates are admitted, the consortium has decided to give priority to academic merit; candidates will only be admitted if they have, at a minimum, above-average marks/GPA during their bachelor. 

In addition to the assessment of the applicant’s bachelor degree, an estimate of the applicant in terms of their ability to successfully complete the degree and enter the job market is made through the criteria of journalism experiencelife experience, and their application reflections.

Selection criteria for admission and for the Mundus scholarships:

Academic background

This criteria evaluates the applicant’s academic ability, previous academic record and academic reference, based on transcript of records, academic reference letter, academic awards, etc.

Journalism experience

This criteria evaluates the applicant's journalistic experience based on the quality of work samples, journalistic career and the journalistic reference. 

Application reflections

Within the Application Form you will find a section called Application reflections. These are reflections/questions related to your academic and journalistic past as well as your future career expectations. Though short, these answers will be evaluated, not only on their content, but also on their writing style, quality and clarity. 

Applicants selected for the Mundus Journalism Consortium scholarships

The Mundus Journalism Consortium has arranged funding for four applicants for the 2024-2026 programme - our new Mundus Journalism Consortium Scholarships.

The applicant whom the Selection Committee finds to be the strongest for each of the second-year specialisations will receive an admission offer as a Mundus Journalism Consortium Scholarship recipient.

Photo credits: Shirsha Chakraborty