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Photo credits: Shirsha Chakraborty.
A chance internship down the road from City University London has been the catalyst for Juliet Zhu’s successful post-Mundus career in public…
Friendly football matches on a field in Aarhus have led to Mundus Journalism students participating in an international football tournament.
Read about journalist and lecturer Nea Matzen's exchange from Hamburg University to UC Berkeley in March and April, 2014.
Read Erasmus Mundus scholar Suzanne Franks' report on her scholarship visit, which took her from City University London to the University of…
Read Erasmus Mundus scholar Tonny Brems Knudsen's report on his scholarship visit from Aarhus University to the University of Technology, Sydney, in…
Online news magazine Jutland Station has launched in Aarhus, providing some competition in the country's west to Denmark's only other English language…
What and who is a journalist in the post-WikiLeaks era? In this alumni profile Dr Scott Eldridge II puts his own argument forward in answer to this…
In this scholar report Dr Sara Nofri reminisces on her winter trip from University of Hamburg to the warmer climate of Berkeley, Califorina
In this scholar report, UC Berkeley Professor Tom Goldstein discusses his trip from California to Aarhus, Amsterdam and London.
"If you want to become a journalist, but aren’t prepared to enter the MA treadmill, this may be the course for you," writes student Sam Richardson for…
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